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Manual Ruben Delgado's book, The Last Chicano: A Mexican American Experience, includes personal histories of his great-grandmother and great-aunt, Julia & Agapita Medina.
Mother & daughter lived on Second street, by Meadowbrook Park, before moving to the Mount Vernon district.
At the end of her life, Julia's home was on King street---near another daughter, Refugio, who lived on Rialto ave.
Manual Ruben Delgado's book, The Last Chicano: A Mexican American Experience, includes personal histories of his great-grandmother and great-aunt, Julia & Agapita Medina.
Mother & daughter lived on Second street, by Meadowbrook Park, before moving to the Mount Vernon district.
At the end of her life, Julia's home was on King street---near another daughter, Refugio, who lived on Rialto ave.
c. 1905 ^ La Familia Medina: Julia Medina (center) Refugio Medina (right)
c. 1925^ Agapita Medina (center) ^ with sisters Refugio (left) & Felicitas ^
c. 1930 ^ Agapita Medina ^ "Aunt Aggie" ^
April 1930 ^ United States Census
c. 1938 ^ (from left) Agapita, Julia, Dolores, Refugio Medina / c. 1946 ^ Julia Medina "Mama Julita"